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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Were Michael Vick's Dogs Released in India?

(Jessica's Version)

Unknown to many of her friends, Jessica is immune to many diseases. Conveniently for India, rabies is one of them. Aware that J.R. lacked the proper immunoglobin, Jessica valiantly put herself between him and a pack of mouth foaming dogs, risking her own life to protect him. With dozens of dogs attacking from all sides, Jessica threw them off one by one. J.R. crouched in the corner and watched in awe. One dog nipped Jessica’s thigh but was unable to sink its teeth in too deep because of her extremely toned muscles. Jessica grabbed the dog and bit it back and watched him and the rest of the pack whimper off in shame. That's the last time J.R. is leaving the house with bacon in his pockets.

(J.R.'s version)

I didn't realize I was dating a sloth. No, but seriously, three hundred dogs!! What's a brave man to do. I held off the first 259, but in the end it wasn't enough. Luckily I've been working on my potato sack hauling, cause after Jessica fainted, it was about 25 miles uphill to the hospital. OK so I'm kind of lying. Those dogs were friggin startling! (You know the old adage about outrunning bears right... "I don't need to run faster than the bear... I just need to run faster than you.) Well I guess I'm faster than Jessica.

(OK... the real version)

Our morning started with a mission to rent a motorbike, ride to Solang Nollah, and zorb. We were excited to rent the bike (one of us more than the other) but our hopes were crushed after being turned down shop after shop. We started walking towards the next town, hoping we might have better luck. As we walked up a hill, three barking dogs came out of nowhere and charged us. J.R. jumped out of the way but one dog, smelling Jessica’s fear, chomped down on her right thigh. Bite aside, the whole trip to an Indian hospital was strangely charming. One rabies shot - $7 and everyone was so friendly! Jessica is doing fine now, save for a little bruising. But she's developed a slight phobia of dogs and now goes hiking with rock in hand...just in case. Watch out Fido!

Oh and take a look at the Naggar photos again. We've added more now that we found a better internet cafe! We've had an eventful week so keep an eye on our posts and we'll try to get you all up to speed in the next few days.


  1. Bad dog! Bad dog! Yikes, Jess, that sucks.

  2. Are you trying to out-match your father for incredible animal encounter stories? Next thing we know you'll be telling us you fought the dogs off underwater for 5 days!

  3. So what us the deal, did you get to zorb or what? Seriously, people...

  4. at least you were not yet in the bike, let me tell you, dog bite plus falling is really a bad combo ( I know!)

  5. Never a dull moment for you guys...and jess I love your new super human status!!

  6. I kind of believed Jessica's version of the attack. It wasn't until the end of the posting that I realized that Jessica isn't naturally immune to rabies. If that is the case don't you need like a series of 30 shots in the booty for rabies?
