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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Freezing in Dehli

So no real pictures yet. Ths is the street our hotel is off. I'm in an internet cafe getting booted in five minutes so this has to be quick. But we arrived! Dehli is just overwhelming to just about every sense. It's wild. We got a little hotel, where the AC blasts like nuts and we laughed that we were frozen solid while it was 108 degrees on the street. Things are sweet! We figure out how to buy train tickets, and are off to Agra to see the Taj tomorrow. Honestly the stories are too good so far. When we get a second with internet, well put up some pic and give a what's what, but for now, we're here, loving it, living it, and no Dehli Belly to speak of yet. Times are good!


  1. Hot Damn! Glad you both arrived safely!

  2. Yay, you made it! I love that feeling of "holy crap" when you step out of that plane and realize you are in a place that compares to nothing else you have ever experienced before.

    I am so jealous - staring out my window at New England Baptist Hospital for some reason doesn't have as nice a ring as the Taj. Enjoy!!

  3. Oh, but the Delhi Belly is coming though ...

  4. I really doubt that it is freezing in Delhi. Maybe its so hot you think its cold. Uh oh. Maybe its time to see a doctor??? K!!!!! HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!!!!

  5. WOW, Good for you guys. I can't wait for more stories and pictures. xxoo Mom

  6. ha! fight the dehli belly! was great catching up with you on gchat -- glad our schhhhedules overlapped. much love, buddah

  7. Well we at last escaped Dehli without getting Dehli belly. I'm living boldy drinking milk, eating eggs, whatever... Jessica think's I'm nuts, but hey, you only live once. The meal tonight in Agra was dubious, and I'm feeling beginning rumblings, but so far so good. "Agra agravation" we'll call this.
