Where to Ambush Us

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Shippin out for Cooperstown

It's official. Our time in the Bean has ended. I spent the morning jamming every last piece of Jessica's stuff in between the seat cushions and up into the crevices of the trunk, and we're all packed up and shipping out for Cooperstown here come 4:30. Uber big props to everyone for coming out and making the Boston sendoff such a blast. I can't speak for Jessica here, but I can honestly say, I've never had such an incredible, tight group of friends in my life. I will miss everyone tremendously.

Lastly a huge thank you is in order for Justin and Christi. Thanks for being the hosts with the most. Allright, I promise less sappy posts from here on out and more travels and travails. But maybe I'll just say it one more time... To everyone in the Bean, we will miss you all.


  1. Glad to see a pic of Friscabeer made it into the slide show. Your challenge is to disseminate this game into as many countries as possible. Think of yourselves as Friscabeer missionaries, Friscabeer envoys, Friscabeer Heads of State!!

    Good luck with the travels, and we will miss you guys, too.

    P.S. My goal is to leave a comment on every post of this blog. I clearly don't have much going on at work...

  2. JR, sorry i missed your party yesterday. But from my heart have a nice trip and keep going.

  3. Woohooo! Can't wait to follow along on your blog instead of doing work. and I like the picture slide show thingy- i'll have to start using that as well.

  4. sorry I missed you in San Fran - looking forward to your return. have an awesome trip!
