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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last days Stateside

The picture of me jumping for joy marked our arrival at the Hall of Fame. The picture of Jessica jumping for joy marked our departure. So... maybe Jessica and I weren't quite as equally stoked about getting to tour the Hall of Fame, but still, it was a pretty sweet day for this little baseball fan. Not to mention the camping. Great little spot by the lake.

Sadly, it was the last run of glory for my tent. Officially retiring from camping duties after 25 years of faithful service, there really aint no tent quite like the great Golden Bear. He will be missed.

In D.C. for a few days and then sayanora from stateside. AllAsiaAlltheTime will soon actually be in Asia!


  1. In order to "Jump for joy," your feet actually need to leave the ground. You are really just standing for joy.

    It is apparent how excited Jessica was to visit this historic landmark. Her sheer exuberance is clearly written all over her face. As I mentioned before, I think it was a mistake starting off the trip on such a high note, you may never be able to recreate this happiness again...

  2. I was jumping "on the inside." Dude, it was 90 all day today, and tonight for the giants game nothing but pissin rain, thunder and lightning. Game was canceled. I'm hoping we catch the makeup game tomorrow. Jess... maybe not so much.

  3. don't worry chris. the coooperstown trip was a bust. after i realized that J.R. was kidding about the theme rides and funnel cake, it was all downhill from there.

  4. That is good news for you, Jess. At least the rest of the trip won't suck, now. Sorry to hear about the ball game, and good luck with the flight!!

  5. Hmmmm,I am VERY familiar with JUNE 3RD, (ie MY birthday)GIANTS GAMES PISSING RAIN ALL DAY!!! funny that you guys had a similar experience!!!! LOL..
